Adrian Si

Adrian Si

Director, Marketing Strategy

Recent posts by Adrian Si

3 min read

3 Companies With Experiential That Makes Their Brand

By Adrian Si on Aug. 20 2020, 11:45 AM

Experiences have long shaped our perceptions, causing us to view the world through different filters. If we perceive something positively, the past experiences we associate with that thing were likely good ones. It’s for this reason that we’re now seeing more brands use experiential marketing to up the customer experience ante. An Event Marketing Institute study estimates that 76% of marketers use experiential to support other marketing initiatives.

Like any strategy, experiential will vary from brand to brand. But the overall goal is the same: expose people to a series of fun and unforgettable activities to create a positive association with that brand. These good vibes can serve as a foundation for loyalty, which can improve customer retention, word-of-mouth buzz, and overall sales.

Topics: Experiential
2 min read

3 Brands That Show Why Social Media is Key to Event Engagement

By Adrian Si on Jul. 23 2020, 11:30 AM

Out of all the marketing tactics available, events have the highest potential to generate sales leads, create a positive return on investment, and engage consumers. It’s no surprise that 87% of C-suite professionals believe in the power of event marketing and plan to invest in more events moving forward. But unless brands extend their reach beyond the convention center walls, those investments will continue to fall short of their full potential.

Social media is the key to extending that reach, which is why it has become an increasingly important part of event marketing. But the rates of adoption are still relatively low. Only 52% of events have consistent engagement on social media throughout the day.

Topics: Experiential
3 min read

3 Crucial Elements to Include in Your Event Management Strategy

By Adrian Si on May. 28 2020, 12:30 PM

Event management strategies align every aspect of your event toward its intended objectives. To begin crafting your own event management strategy, you must first define your campaign's primary goals.


Once you do that, you must also tie those targets in with your brand goals. This will allow your company to review insights and set key performance indicators that will show whether those goals have been met. You cannot move forward with the look and feel of the event — or even focus on the consumer experience — until these elements are in place.

Topics: Experiential
4 min read

3 Ways to Use Social Media to Generate Post-Event Buzz

By Adrian Si on May. 14 2020, 11:49 AM

Event marketers need to reach new attendees now more than ever. According to an Eventbrite Pulse report, 64% of event professionals called it their biggest challenge.


One way to clear that engagement hurdle is through social media. Your ideal event attendees could be more open to connecting via their preferred social channels, though this approach does give way to a pair of questions: How do you know you’re reaching the right audience at the right time? And while social media is a useful tool, how does that translate into loyal and engaged customers?

Topics: Experiential
3 min read

Experiential Marketing 101: Why Experiential Marketing Is No Longer Optional for Brands

By Adrian Si on May. 17 2019, 12:22 PM

Over the past 20 years, marketing has undergone a seismic shift: Experiences have become a key component of modern campaigns.

Several factors play into this transformation. The first is the availability of new platforms. Brands use everything from print, radio, and TV to digital, social, and virtual reality to reach their target audiences. Then there’s the ubiquity of analytics. With data readily available, brands know when, where, and how to appeal most to specific demographics.

Topics: Experiential
